Legal Consulting Company KALITAConfidentiality Verified by Time!

About the Company
Legal Consulting Services in Business World
Support to Investment Projects
Auditing, Accounting Services

Legal Consulting Services on Replanning
Kalita Business Centre
Consultations. New in Law
Main Page


Kalita Legal Consulting Company has been working in the market of legal and consulting services since 1991.

Under the brand of Kalita, the Consulting Group is working and associating the following firms:

Each of them is specialised in the certain services.

The Consulting Group provides the full range of legal economic and consulting services to provide business.

The objective (mission), which we serve, is creation of conditions for achievement of success in business, for prosperity of investors, business and property owners, either individuals or legal entities, through qualified legal protection of their interests.

We consider our success and prosperity of our Company integrally related to the success of our clients.

We observe the conservative advertising and marketing politics and consider that the best publicity is created by our clients and their references.

Within the frameworks of the Consulting Group, our problems are solved by more than fifty employees, including over twenty highly qualified specialists in the field of jurisprudence, economics, audit, taxation, appraisal, anticrisis management that accounts for the high quality of services provided in the complex and comprehensive problems of business keeping.

Many times the Company specialists defended the interests of our clients in the Court of Arbitration and achieved success; they carried out the work on prevention of conflicts between the own clients and the tax authorities.

We are grateful for your attention paid to the business of our Company.

We would be happy to receive your recommendations and proposals by E-mail:


© 2002 CJSC «Legal Consulting Company «Kalita»
Tel./Fax: 237-55-46, 237-20-80

design: © 2002 «W-M»

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Kalita Legal Consulting Company Kalita Audit Limited Liability Company Kalita Multiprofile Company (Closed Joint-Stock Company)